The international inter- and transdisciplinary conference ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together’ is an initiative of the UGent Human Rights Research Network (HRRN), which brings together researchers at Ghent University working on human rights in different disciplines. The network stimulates interdisciplinary collaboration and fosters the societal impact of academic research in close cooperation with societal stakeholders.
The HRRN sees the promotion and protection of all human rights in an inclusive manner as an important societal project to which researchers from all disciplines can contribute. Critical analysis of human rights is an aspect of that project, and the promotion of human rights within academic practice is intrinsically linked to it.
It is the mission of the HRRN to study, understand and explain human rights and the challenges related to their protection from different perspectives and disciplinary backgrounds. The network wants to contribute to the fulfilment and protection of human rights through academic knowledge and analysis.
The foundation of the Human Rights Research Network is part of Ghent University’s commitment to the promotion of human rights and was established within the program ‘Interdisciplinary research consortia aimed at realising societal impact’.