Human Rights Research Network

Frequently Asked Questions

Home>Practical Information>FAQ

> Registration and cancellation

> Fees and funding

> At the conference

> Presentations

> Miscellaneous

Registration and cancellation

Is it possible to register for the conference without giving a presentation or organising a conference activity?

Yes. Registration is open both to delegates who will only attend and to delegates who give a presentation or organise an activity.

Do all members of a panel or all co-authors of a paper need to register separately?

Yes, anyone who wants to attend the conference needs to fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee individually. Registration and payment is per capita, not per contribution.

Can I register for the conference if I am not a lawyer/legal expert?

Yes. It is our explicit goal to make the conference as inter- and transdisciplinary as possible. Hence, people with any background are more than welcome to share ideas around Human Rights from any perspective.

Can I get a refund if I cancel my registration for the conference?

Our cancellation policy states that, in case of cancellation, before 15/10/23, we will refund 50% of the conference fee. After that date we will be unable to refund your fee.

If you need to cancel your participation in the conference, kindly send us an e-mail to with the message title ‘cancellation + name + surname’.

Fees and funding

What is included in the conference fees?

All conference fees include attendance to the parallel and plenary sessions, coffee breaks, lunch breaks, and the reception and welcome event on Wednesday December 6. Accommodation, travel costs, and dinner are not included.

Note that the student registration and the accompanying ‘fee waiver for non-presenting undergraduate students’ only grants access to the plenary and parallel sessions. No conference meals are included in this type of registration.

What does the ‘fee waiver for non-presenting undergraduate students’ entail and who is eligible for it?

The ‘fee waiver for non-presenting undergraduate students’ is meant for students who are interested in following some of the plenary and parallel session of the conference, but cannot afford to pay the admission fee. They can fill in the ‘student registration form’ on the bottom of the registration page and then attend the sessions for free. However, this type of registration does not include any of the conference meals or coffee breaks.

Student registration are only available to bachelor and master students. PhD students should select the ‘regular’, ‘higher earners’ or ‘reduced’ fee for registration.

Will there be any travel funding for Global South scholars?

For the moment, there is no funding available to cover travel costs for delegates.

Will there be any additional funding for participants affiliated to NGO’s, non-profit and not-for-profit organisations?

Yes, all delegates affiliated to NGO’s, non-profit and not-for-profit civil society organisations are allowed to register for the reduced fee automatically. In other words, they do not need to submit an application to be revised by the ethical committee in order to be allowed to pay this kind of fee.

At the conference

Is it possible to attend the conference and give a presentation via livestream or must one go to Ghent in order to participate?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to attend the conference or give a presentation online. All attendance will be physical.

Will the conference be held exclusively in English?

The language of all plenary sessions will be English. For the goodbye event on 8 December, we will screen a documentary that is spoken in Dutch and Portuguese, but has English subtitles.

When does the conference start on Wednesday 06/12?

On Wednesday 06/12, several ‘welcome events’ are scheduled between 11h00 and 17h00 for delegates who are available to take part in activities before the opening ceremony.

The official start of the conference is scheduled at 17h30 with the opening ceremony in UGent Aula Academica.

When does the conference end on Friday 08/12?

On Friday 08/12, the closing plenary session is planned to end at 16h30. However, there is an additional goodbye event between 20h and 21h.

Will there be Wifi at the conference venue

Yes, free unlimited Wifi will be available at the convention centre.

Is there a room for prayer and meditation in the conference venue?

Yes, the conference venue has made available a silent room for prayer and meditation. If you want to make use of this, please contact us at, or find us at the registration desk during the conference.

Will printed programmes be provided at the conference?

No, in our commitment to sustainability, we will not be providing printed programs at the conference. We encourage you to download the programme or print the sections relevant to you in advance.

Will there be water provided for the speakers?

No, in our commitment to sustainability, we will not be providing bottles of water for all speakers. However, tap water is safely drinkable in Belgium, so we encourage you to bring your own water bottle and fill it up at the tap when needed. Furthermore, beverages will be provided during all coffee and lunch breaks.

Where can students and Ghent citizens who will be attending the conference for free without making use of the catering go for lunch?

There are several options to have lunch during the conference. First, people are very welcome to bring their own lunch and have it at the conference venue or, depending on the weather, in the Citadelpark surrounding the conference venue.

Other options are the Ledeganck cafetaria, where UGent students have a discount, or sandwich bars such as Delicieux.


My submission for the conference has been accepted. What are now the next steps?

The next step is to prepare your travel and your presentation. You can find practical info and accommodation recommendations on the ‘practical’ tab.

More instructions on the presentations are specific to the thematic streams and will thus be communicated by the conveners of each stream. This information will be shared with you directly per e-mail.

I have received an e-mail from the conference organisers that I am invited to present my work as a poster presentation. What does this entail?

A poster presentation means that you can design a poster about your paper or research, which we will then display in the conference venue in a dedicated area for conference posters. If your contribution was submitted for a specific thematic stream, your poster will be displayed together with all other posters regarding that thematic stream. The conference attendees can then look at your poster during all the coffee and lunch-breaks and in between activities. On Friday 8/12 we foresee a specific ‘poster session’ during which poster presenters are expected to stand next to their poster to provide interested delegates with more information.

If you can accept the invitation to participate in the conference with a poster presentation, you will need to register for the conference and attend it in person. You will need to bring the poster yourself and deliver it to us on 6/12/23 between 12 am and 2 pm at ICC. We will take care of placing your poster at the venue.

If I cannot come to Belgium to participate in the in-person conference on December 6-8, can my academic poster still be displayed? 

No, unfortunately we cannot print and display your poster for you. Everyone who received an invitation from us to present a poster and wishes to do this, needs to register and pay the conference fee.

Is it possible to attend the conference and give a presentation via livestream or must one go to Ghent in order to participate?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to attend the conference or give a presentation online. All attendance will be physical.

Will we be required to write a paper following the conference?

This is not mandatory. Some thematic streams will make proposals for publications resulting from the presentations given at the conference, but participation in these publications is voluntary. Please contact the conveners of your thematic stream, should you have further questions about publication opportunities.

Can I show a PowerPoint presentation or a short video during my presentation?

The breakout rooms are equipped with laptops and beamers for PowerPoint presentation. If you want to make use of this, please bring your presentation on a USB stick.

Including video’s in you PowerPoint presentation is not possible.


Is tap water safe to drink in Belgium?

Yes, unless indicated otherwise, all tap water in Belgium is safely drinkable.

Can I make a donation to contribute to the conference costs?

Yes. In this case, please send an e-mail to and indicate ‘donation’ in the title of your message.